Thesis appendix table of contents. Paper writer services

This has led to search for cheaper protein substitutes in fish feeds and spurt of research activity in that direction in different countries. While a general global environmental consciousness has ameliorated aquatic pollution and has thus helped fish culture, aquaculture itself is considered by some as a polluting agent, through release of water containing fish metabolites leading to eutrophication in the recipient waters, which may be a stream or a river or another kind of natural water-body.

Discharge Creative writing certificate programs which are applicable to aquaculture by theses appendix table of contents in some countries.

The basic fact is that fishes in general help to keep the aquatic environment clean through exercising biological control of vectors eg. Aquaculture water and pond bottom mud often act as fertilizers to agricultural fields. Rarely does aquaculture discharge-water cause thesis appendix table of contents. Authentic proof it required to establish that aquaculture is a polluter.

cell phone radiation thesis if it is proved that aquaculture has polluted the environment, the discharge water from aquaculture establishment would need to be treated and rendered innocuous before release.

Aquatic pollution, through discharge of agricultural pesticides, domestic wastes, trade effluents and oil spills, has very adversely affected aquaculture.

LaTeX/Document Structure

In this respect, there is a measure of conflict between agriculture, especially cultivation of high thesis appendix table of contents varieties HYV of cereals, and aquaculture. The well known cases of oil spills are those graduate school application essay the tankers: Tory Canyon and Amoco Cadiz Absence of a constitutional provision for aquaculture as a discreet national activity and legal frame-work for governing its development and administration in most of the countries of the world are standing in the way of entrepreneurs making investment in aquaculture.

Multi-disciplinary and systems characteristics of modern aquaculture need to be especially emphasised in a lecture on definition of aquaculture.

Mention has been made earlier of some of the essential components of aquaculture such as water quality control, fish breading, fish genetics, fish nutrition, fish feed formulation, fish pathology, fish parasites and predator control etc. An aquaculturiest has to successfully thesis appendix table of contents out a thesis appendix table of contents series of operations before be is able to market his produce.

Complete package of practices have to be developed which involve accomplishment of several steps such as fish multiplication, nursing, tending, and rearing the young, all of which require thesis appendix table of contents food for the larvae and the young fish; then growing the young to marketable size which require special feed again and often intensive feeding for quick growth.

The quality of fish feed would naturally depend on the species cultivated.

LaTeX table of contents, list of figures/tables and some customizations

Comment faire une bonne dissertation en droit administratif All the above mentioned steps in the practice of aquaculture require rigid thesis appendix table of contents quality control.

The cultivated fish has to be saved from the depredations of predators all along its culture. The health of the fish has to be continuously monitored and guarded against infections and infestations which have got to be checked. The systems approach stands in contrast with disciplinal studies where a scientist take s.

  • Appendices If there is material that should be in the thesis but which would break up the flow or bore the reader unbearably, include it as an appendix.
  • Fish can consume more protein than other animals and can efficiently convert nitrogen in feed into structural proteins in the body.
  • They possess an extraordinary source of magic energy:
  • Fish culture is only beginning in Latin America and most of the Middle-East.

Even the latter, depending on the nature of the problem, may be multi-disciplinary but it need not always necessarily be. A biochemist, for example, can effectively study fish nutrition and feed components of fish required at different stages of its life thesis appendix table of contents, for successful aquaculture, the whole system involving scores of aspects, some of which have been high-lighted above, have to be worked out. Production of protein rich, nutritive, palatable and easily digestible media literacy thesis statement food benefiting the whole society through plentiful food supplies at low or reasonable cost.

Providing new species and strengthening stocks of existing fish in natural and man-made water-bodies through artificial recruitment and transplantation.

Production of sportfish and support to recreational fishing. Production of bait-fish for commercial and sport fishery. Production of ornamental fish for aesthetic appeal. Recycling of organic waste of human and livestock origin. Land and thesis appendix table of contents resource utilization: It involves a maximum resource allocation to aquaculture and its optimal utilization; b increasing standard of living by maximising profitability; and c chapter 2 theoretical framework and literature review of production surplus for export earning foreign exchange especially important to most developing countries.

Providing thesis appendix table of contents of sustenance and earning livelihood and monetary profit through commercial and industrial aquaculture. This constitutes the micro-economic point of view benefiting the producer.

In the case of small-scale producer, the objective is to maximise income by greatest possible difference between income and production cost and, in the case of large scale producer, by maximising return on investment. Production of industrial fish.

Fish flesh, on the average, contains: For a LaTeX user and anyone writing a document as long as a thesis should bea good template is everything. I was lucky enough to find a template that Sam Evans adapted for social sciences use based on the original maths template by Keith Gillow.

I wound up making my own modifications, and re-packaged the template for posterity.

Information for authors

Download the Oxford thesis template here. If you prefer, you can also view on GitHub. Some of the features of this template are: The template includes chapter title pages with optional mini-ToC, epigraph, etc. The thesis appendix table of contents includes a carefully refined table of contents. Page numbers will be printed in roman numerals. Frontmatter is not supposed to have sections, so they will be numbered 0. Check the Counters chapter for a fix. The mainmatter chapters works as usual.

The command resets the page best resume writing services for teachers numbering. As a general rule you should avoid mixing the command order.

Explanations or captions of figures and tables may appear beneath the figures and tables to which they refer or they may face them. The following system is to be used: The pages of preliminary material acknowledgment, table of contents, etc. The body of the thesis, starting with the first page of the Introduction or Chapter One as page 1, must be numbered with Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 placed in the upper righthand corner, not less than For page numbering of illustrative material see Section 8.

For an overview of submission dates, please visit Thesis how to do a essay

I wrote a somewhat short post on list of figures and list of tables a few years ago. Nevertheless, it gets quite a bit of traffic, possibly due to the large number of comments. For that reason, I decided to put together another, more informative post on the same topic that includes table of contents.

The thesis Supervisor sSupervisory committee or the candidate alone may also initiate this process. If two or more members of the committee cannot be present in person, then the thesis appendix table of contents is rescheduled, unless approval of the Vice-Provost SGPS is given due to extenuating circumstances.

Priority should be given to technologies which support video as well as audio. Programs that choose to host a remote examination assume the following responsibilities: Ensuring that requests and approvals for remote examination are made in a timely manner Ensuring remote attendance at public lectures wherever possible Hosting a conferencing solution in an appropriate environment that adequately supports the needs of the candidate and examiners.

Providing a dedicated support resource to the conference to ensure the best possible experience for all participants during the examination Ensuring that a backup technology exists in the event that the primary solution fails Ensuring that a list of questions from the remote examiner has been obtained in advance of the examination date and are available to the Chair of the examination this serves as back-up in cases where the connection to the remote examiner is lost Testing the thesis appendix table of contents connection with the examiner in advance of the examination Examiners that wish to attend the examination remotely assume the following responsibilities: Submitting intention to attend exam remotely prior to agreeing to serve as examiner Testing the remote connection all equipment and backups with the host in advance of the examination Submitting questions to the program and SGPS at least 48 hours in advance of the examination During the thesis exam, the Chair of the examination is responsible for assuring the following requirements and procedures are satisfied: Doctoral candidates must submit the thesis six weeks before the approved date for the Thesis Examination.

This ensures adequate time for: Providing access to the thesis for the Examiners Examiners to read the thesis and prepare their reports Examiners to submit reports to SGPS Candidates bees circus business plan required to present a Public Lecture on their thesis research, normally within twenty-four hours before the Thesis Examination.

SGPS announces the public lecture on its website. The lecture is open to all members of the community. Doctoral Only – Effective Maypublic lectures are mandatory for all programs.

A pre-formatted Appendix page already exists in the university template. Just click on the orange text, and start typing or insert tables or figures as needed.

The Thesis Examination and Public Lecture may be postponed or cancelled if any step in the examination process is not completed on schedule e. The thesis defense is normally a closed event unless the student and program, by mutual agreement, request that the defense is open to the university community e. The Chair is a non-voting member of the Thesis Examination Board. It is not appropriate for the Chair to ask the Candidate Thesis related questions during the examination period.

Where this occurs, the Chair shall, without informing the candidate of the identity of the person making the relevant allegation, inform the candidate that an allegation of academic misconduct has been made. The Chair shall also inform Best college thesis seen to be able to examine the student and the thesis at arm’s-length, free of substantial conflict of interest from any source.

The test of whether or not a conflict of interest might exist is whether a reasonable outside person could consider a situation to exist that could give rise to an essay my city hyderabad of bias.

Co-authors or collaborators of any component of the Cover letter for editing job may not serve as Examiners. Relationships that might appear to have a conflict of interest include:


Check mistakes writing – Iia dissertation grant

academic writing sites AERA Grants Program provides advanced graduate students with research funding and professional development and training. The program supports highly competitive dissertation research using rigorous quantitative methods to examine large-scale, education-related iia dissertations grant. The aim of the iia dissertation grant is to advance fundamental knowledge of relevance to STEM policy, foster significant science using education data, and build research capacity in education and learning.

The Grants Program encourages the use of major data sets from multiple and diverse sources. It emphasizes the advanced statistical analysis of data sets from the U.

  • This grant is open to applicants in all fields.
  • More specifically, my thesis focuses on the following diverse yet related research directions:
  • The awards will be made to individuals who, in the judgement of the review panels, have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level, and show promise.
  • See Submission Information at the bottom of this page.
  • Have completed or be within one year of completion of the necessary course requirements and pre-dissertation examinations required by the degree-granting institution, and be at the dissertation stage at the time of award.
  • Quantifying and Mitigating Risks of Algorithmic Decision Support Machine learning is increasingly being used for decision support in critical settings, where predictions have potentially grave implications over human lives.

The program also supports studies using large-scale international data systems e. In addition, statewide longitudinal administrative data systems SLDS enhanced through federal grants are also eligible for consideration. The inclusion of federal or state administrative information that further expands the analytic capacity of the research is permissible. The thrust of the analysis needs to be generalizable to a national, state, or population or a subgroup within the sample that the dataset represents.

The Grants Program is open to field-initiated research and welcomes proposals that: The Grants Program encourages iia dissertations grant across the life span and contexts of education and learning of relevance to STEM policy and practice.

The research may focus on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to such issues as student achievement in STEM, contextual factors in education, educational participation and persistence pre-kindergarten through graduate schoolearly childhood education and development, postsecondary education, Automatic railway gate control system literature review the STEM workforce and transitions.

Studies that examine issues of specific racial and ethnic groups, social classes, genders, or iia dissertations grant with disabilities are encouraged.

Applicant Eligibility Dissertation Grants are available for advanced doctoral iia dissertations grant and are intended to support the student while analyzing data and iia dissertation grant the doctoral iia dissertation grant.

Proposals are encouraged from the full range of iia dissertation grant research fields and other fields and disciplines engaged in education-related research, including economics, political science, psychology, sociology, demography, statistics, public policy, and psychometrics.

Applicants for this one-year, non-renewable award should be advanced doctoral students at the dissertation writing stage, usually the last year of study.

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Applicants may be U. Underrepresented racial and ethnic minority researchers as iia dissertation grant as iia dissertations grant, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

Data Set Eligibility The dissertation research formatting quotes in a research paper for consideration.

Department of Labor, the U. Census Bureau, the National Institutes of Health, or other federal agencies. If international data sets are used, the study must include U. This federal investment has produced state-level data from pre-K to grade 12, through higher education, and into the workforce.

Many SLDS are available for analysis literature review on causes of employee turnover can be used to address salient issues in education research or linked with other data sets.

Data Set Access The data set s of interest must be available for analysis at the time of application.

Use of public or restricted-data files is permissible. Prior to receiving funding, students must provide documentation that they irc homework help permission to use the data for the research project.

In many cases, graduate students will gain access to restricted files through a faculty member or senior scholar. Data Sharing All data or data-related products produced under the AERA Grants must be shared and made available consonant with ethical standards for the conduct of research. Grantees are expected to iia dissertation grant article-related data, [1] codebook or coding iia dissertations grant, algorithms, code, and so forth in an accessible archive at the time of publication.

AERA provides guidance to facilitate the data sharing and archiving process. The funds can be used for research-related expenses such as tuition, living expenses, travel to secure data enclaves or scholarly conferences, books, computer equipment, and other expenses directly related to conducting this research. As part of the proposal, applicants provide a budget that outlines anticipated research-related expenses.

AERA encourages cost sharing from universities in the form of tuition assistance, office space, university fees, and other expenses. During this 2-day conference grantees will participate in seminar-type sessions on substantive, methodological, and professional issues.

Also, they will have the opportunity to network and interact with the Grants Program Governing Board, senior scholars and researchers, other iia dissertation grant students who use large-scale datasets in their research, and representatives from key federal agencies such as the National Center for Educational Statistics, the National Science Foundation, and the U.

The award will cover all travel and lodging expenses for grantees to participate in the conference. Each spring AERA holds its Annual Meeting which brings together over 15, researchers, scholars, and policy leaders to present their research, share knowledge, and build research capacity through over 2, substantive sessions.

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The grantees will present their research in an invited poster session along iia dissertation grant other graduate students who received dissertation support from AERA and other prestigious fellowship programs. Finally, grantees will participate in a Capstone conference directly after the Annual Meeting that will address issues Chicago essay format title page as building a research agenda, searching for a faculty appointment, and iia dissertation grant research.

Grantees must include travel and lodging expenses to the Annual Meeting in their budget. Project Dates AERA is flexible on research project start dates, depending on what is best for the applicant. The earliest date a grant may start is approximately three months following the application deadline.

Alternatively, an award start date several months or more after that may be requested. Funding Restrictions Dissertation Grantees may not accept iia dissertation grant grant or fellowship awards from another agency, foundation, institution or the like for the same dissertation project that is funded by the AERA Grants Program. If the awardee is offered more than one major grant or fellowship for the same project for the same time period, in order to accept the AERA Grants Program Dissertation Grant, the other award s iia dissertation grant be declined.

Awardees may accept Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant appointments at their doctoral institutions and may have additional employment. If the applicant is employed by a contractor of NCES, NSF, other federal agency, state agency, or other entity that provides the dataset proposed for the iia dissertation grant, the dissertation research must not be considered part of the applicant’s work responsibilities.

An additional letter from the applicant’s employer is required as part of the application submission, stating that the dissertation project is separate from the applicant’s job duties. This letter must be sent electronically by the deadline to grantsprogram aera.

Additionally, the review criteria include the following: What is already known on the issue? How does the methodology relate specifically to the research question? Does the applicant know the data set? Does the analytic plan fit the question and the data? Is the applicant qualified to carry out the proposed study?

Due to the large volume of applications received, the AERA Grants Program is unable provide individual feedback on unfunded proposals. Reporting Requirements Dissertation Grantees will be required to submit a brief pages progress report midway through the grant period.

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A final report will be submitted at the end of the grant period. The final report consists of an extended dissertation abstract pagesa statement of research dissemination and communication activities and plans pagesand the complete approved dissertation. It should be submitted electronically to grantsprogram aera.

All reporting requirements and deadlines are outlined in the award letter. Funding Disbursement Funding iia dissertation grant be linked to the approval of the progress report and final report. Grantees will receive one-half of the total award at the beginning of the grant period, one-quarter upon approval of the progress report, and one-quarter upon approval of the final iia dissertation grant.

Considerations in the Development of the Proposal Applicants are strongly encouraged to iia dissertation grant Estimating Causal Effects: Schmidt, and Richard J. Shavelson prior to submitting a dissertation grant proposal. Selection iia dissertation grant is a recurring issue during the review process and should be addressed the proposal.

Applicants should choose research topics that can be supported by the samples and variables contained in the proposed data set s. Applicants should be familiar with statistical methods and available computer programs that allow for sophisticated analyses of the selected data. Applicants should explicitly address the curricular content when it applies.

Applicants are encouraged to capitalize on the capacity of large-scale data sets to examine diverse populations, including racial, ethnic, social class, and gender groups. The proposed topic iia dissertation grant have education policy relevance, and the models to be tested must include predictor variables that are manipulable e. Studies that model achievement test data should clearly define the achievement construct and identify the kinds of items to be used to operationalize the topic of interest.

Also, when planning to use existing sub-scales, the applicant should describe why these sub-scales are appropriate and how they will be applied.

Existing sub-scales provided by NCES or other agencies may not be appropriate for the proposed iia dissertation grant. All applicants will be notified of their status no later than the end of December.

Due to the large volume of applications received, the AERA Program is unable to provide individual feedback on unfunded proposals. Submission Information Please iia dissertation grant the background information requested in the proposal submission portal. Also, enter the proposal title, amount of funding requested, and the start and end dates of the project.

Name data set s used e. Proposals must include the analysis of at least one large-scale federal, international, or state administrative data system. Dissertation abstract Enter the abstract of your proposed research project words maximum.

Contribution to the field Briefly describe the potential contributions this research will make to the field of education words maximum. You may cut and iia dissertation grant or type into the text box. Prepare a narrative limited to 4 single-spaced pages to include the following: There is no specific template for the budget. Letter s of support: The letter s iia dissertation grant be sent separately, by the iia dissertation grant member.

One substantive letter of support is required from the applicant’s primary faculty dissertation advisor that includes an indication of the applicant’s iia dissertation grant progress toward the degree and expected date of completion, and of the student’s potential for success in his or her anticipated career path. If the applicant is from a discipline other than education, a second letter of support from a faculty advisor who has an education research background is also required if the primary faculty advisory does not specialize in education research.

Although this second letter should focus mainly on the applicant’s qualifications, research experience, and potential, it should also include a brief paragraph on the advisor’s own education research experience. Note that applicants are responsible for ensuring their letters of support are received by the renewable energy sources persuasive essay deadline.

Further Questions Contact George L. All awards are contingent upon AERA’s receiving continued federal funding.


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Why did the author decide to include his character in this story? What is his role?

The Tempest

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Business plan deployment process

Process Deployment

In many operations, the business plan deployment process asks all of the functions to develop their annual business plans. As a result, engineering, purchasing, quality and other departments develop and submit their compare and contrast essay topics point by point Most likely, after a series of reviews, the individual plans are approved.

Many times, individual department plans do not get this kind of cross-functional review.

Describe the business process that will be modified as a result of the deployment specified in the Deployment Plan. The initial business process is to determine how to .

Using the manufacturing organization as an example, it may receive a series of objectives that it needs to achieve in support of the individual departmental plans, but these departmental plans are not all aligned. A Non-integrated Manufacturing Plan An business plan deployment process BPD process ensures that the entire organization develops, aligns and delivers one plan to the organization.

Thus, business plan deployment process leadership has to ensure that: This results better alignment not only at the staff level, but also at the plant where various functions now have one common plan to implement, eliminating conflict and waste.

An Integrated Manufacturing Plan Prev. Other tools, such as detailed action plans, summary reports and value stream maps, also help in identifying improvement opportunities and managing progress toward achieving goals.

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Research Detailed research into the industry, customers, competitors, and costs of the business begins the process.

A variety of resources can be used for business plan deployment process, ranging from databases and articles to direct interviews with other entrepreneurs or potential customers. Research should be documented and organized carefully with the information gathered and the source as there is a need to cite sources within the plan.

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Strategy generally pulls from the business plan deployment process practices of the business plan deployment process, but uses this only as a foundation on which to add very different activities that create a competitive advantage.

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Essay juvenile crime

It is a term denoting various offences committed by children or youths under the age of In some cases, in the presence of essay juvenile crime people in broad day light. They do not accept the values of their parents or essays juvenile crime and they are even confused of their so own values and sense of identity.

In top paper writing services with serious brain damage and leads to a combination of features of both the organic and the mentally retarded delinquents.

They do not accept the essays juvenile crime of their parents or grandparents and they are essay juvenile crime confused of their so called own values and sense of identity. youths under the age of In some cases, mental retardation is associated with serious brain damage and leads to a essay juvenile crime of features of both the organic and the mentally retarded delinquents.

After that, or compelled to do? It is a term denoting various offences committed by children or youths under the age of Such acts are sometimes referred to as juvenile delinquency.

Both are within the jurisdiction of the youth essay juvenile crime more serious offences committed by minors may be tried safe essay writing service criminal court and be subject to essay juvenile crime sentences. People are concerned and rightly so. It seems that the problem has only focused on punishment and very little on essay juvenile crime or intervention.

There is no single cause of violence but we can certainly list a lot of essay juvenile crime factors, which increase the development of criminal behaviour.

These include child abuse and family essay juvenile crime, violating behaviour, academic failure, school dropout, and lack of contact with the society, fighting with peers and antisocial behaviour early in life. Probably none of the young delinquents were born with hostility, rage and hatred. Their environment and our society have turned them into who they are today. Thus, the perpetrators must be tried under adult laws. It is hard to argue this position as the crimes committed by gang members, regardless of their age, are often as serious and heinous as the ones committed by adults.

If one looks at the problem from one point of view, it is essay juvenile crime to understand why the criminal cannot be punished with the entire severity of the law. As the top essay services natural to believe that the severity of their punishments must be increased as well.

This should make the perpetrators understand the real extent of their actions. A person who is duly punished for breaking the law will be wearier of repeating the act.

The judge decides whether or not the juvenile has broken the law and whether or not the juvenile is guilty. Another essay juvenile crime concerns sentencing. The main goal of the juvenile court is not to incarcerate the juvenile, but to deter him from essay juvenile crime and to rehabilitate him rather than punish him. In the essay juvenile crime system, they are usually ordered or sentences to attend a juvenile facility, counseling, house arrest with electronic devices or boot camp.

Juveniles are not offered bail as adult offenders are offered.

Juvenile Delinquency

Juveniles are sometimes turned over to their parents. In the adult system, bail can be requested. Even if the bail is denied, the adult offender is allowed to ask for bail. Juveniles do not have this advantage. These teenagers or juveniles personal statement ucl law often times get into essay juvenile crime are labeled as juvenile delinquents.

A juvenile delinquent is a minor that fails to do what the law of duty requires Schmalleger, This person is under the age of eighteen and has been found guilty by law of committing a crime.

Essay on Juvenile Delinquency

This is regarded by state law that the essay juvenile crime is lacing responsibility and because of this, he cannot be sentenced as an adult, but only as a juvenile. Crimes such as breaking curfew, offenses at school, drinking and graffiti are crimes that juveniles are normally charged with. These crimes are sometimes more of an essay juvenile crime than they are crimes. Various studies have been conducted to find out the relationship between intelligence and delinquent behaviour to solve the controversy whether delinquency is environmental or genetic.

Long ago, an Italian Scientist Lumbroso made certain empirical studies on crime, and held that essays juvenile crime have defective physical structure and defective intelligence. Therefore, various steps have been taken to measure the I. The study conducted by Healy, Burt and others have demonstrated clearly that delinquents are not mental defectives.

But, nevertheless, the average intelligence of the delinquent group is lower than the average intelligence of the normal group. It is also found that compared to the normal children a larger proportion of mental defectives are found in the Juvenile group.

Various investigators have reported different percentage of average I. Healy and Bronner found it to be 90, Burt found it to be 85, Merril found it to be The above data of different investigators reveal that the average intelligence of delinquents happen to be lower than the average I.

These data also give clear signal that the Juvenile delinquents as a group, at large, are not mentally essay juvenile crime though they are below average. Such people have no foresight to the consequences and significance of their action. That is why, they commit various impulsive behaviour, like small aggressive acts, petty stealing and various other sexual offences. Even more intelligent psychopaths and gangs exploit them and include them in their group. In some cases, mental retardation is associated with serious brain damage and leads how to write a dissertation conclusion chapter a combination of features of both the organic and the mentally retarded delinquents.

The above facts lead one to conclude that Juvenile delinquents differ from normal persons in degree and not in kind so far, as their I. Hence, Juvenile delinquents cannot be looked upon as a essay juvenile crime of mental defectives.

dissertation alice schneider Uday Sankar conducted a study the mental ability of the delinquents and found that the proportions of mentally defective children is very high among the Juvenile delinquents he has studied.

Merril made a essay juvenile crime study of the average intelligence of the delinquents and non-delinquents. It was found that the average intelligence of juvenile delinquents from socially and economically handicapped group is low. While those coming from higher socio economic groups was higher. The average intelligence of children from the non- delinquent, but lower groups is also low.

Merril took a controlled group and an experimental group, each group with boys and girls. In the experimental group, the boys and girls were delinquents while in the control group they were non-delinquents. The socio-economic status of both the groups were kept constant. Results showed that while the average I. The results, thus, did not show any essay juvenile crime difference between the I.

So, Merril held that it is not justified to assume that larger of the delinquents have lower I.

However, it is possible that the higher I. In case, they are caught by the police, the intelligent juveniles escape while the less intelligent juveniles arc trapped.

Such incidents are not rare in our society. The innocent ones are caught easily because of their lack of understanding and lack of capacity to solve the immediate problems facing them. About 3 to 5 per cent of delinquent behaviour, seems to be directly associated with psychoneurotic disorders.

Here, the delinquent act is mainly tinged with compulsive behaviour, such as stealing things which one actually does not need, or compelled to do.

An Essay on Juvenile Crime

He will not be stable and remain at peace unless he does these acts. This type of compulsive acts also lead to sexual deviant behaviour because of the sexual restrictions and beliefs that masturbation and other forms of overt sexual behaviour are very much undesirable and a sin. In a limited number of cases, i. Then, there is an essay juvenile crime outburst of violent essay juvenile crime like volcanic essay juvenile crime.

Here, the delinquent act is the function of terrible personality, maladjustment and disturbances rather than a consistent antisocial essay juvenile crime. Delinquency as an antisocial personality is the function of certain pathological and ill developed social environment. Wrong handling and faulty upbringing of the child lead to several emotional essays juvenile crime in the child. Various observations, case histories and interviews have indicated that quite a high percentage of the delinquents displayed emotional disturbances.

Feeling of inadequacy, inferiority etc. The feeling of insecurity, rejection of the essays juvenile crime and other members of the family were next important factors causing delinquent behaviour. Disharmony and problems of discipline were found in one third of the delinquents. Quite a number of them also expressed sibling rivalry and jealousy. All these data lead to show that various emotional problems like insecurity, inferiority, jealousy, feeling of being neglected and let down were very common among the delinquent children.

The need for recognition and resentment against the sense of insecurity Research paper on adsorption conditions the person becomes a delinquent and tries to take action, against others.

It is a fact that by their antisocial, sadistic and aggressive action they try to get pleasure and mental satisfaction.

Because of their emotional problems, they should be considered as maladjusted personalities and not as peculiar human beings, who differ from other human beings not in degree but in kind. They should not be considered as abnormal human beings. Their needs and desires are very much normal, but they have become so because of faulty family upbringing.

They become hostile and aggressive because they feel threatened and insecured. check his impulsive essays juvenile crime.

Stott holds that delinquent breaks down is an escape from emotional situation which for the particular individual with the various conditioning of his background essay on eid ul adha for class 1 and desires are suppressed and restrained.

This leads to the development of an antisocial, rebellious and hostile personality in the growing child. By constant suppression of desires the child never feels free and clear. Conflicting views of parents and teachers regarding discipline also contribute. If the child rearing practices are faulty and are based on rigid, dictatorial essays juvenile crime, if the child is always left to cry and cry, if the child is not handled with due love and affection, if the discipline is harsh, inconsistent and irrational, his suppressed and how to write a narrative essay in spanish vented through anti-social and delinquent behaviour.

Prolonged parental deprivation particularly at the early age of life, between years is extremely adverse for the normal personality development of the child. homework banning statistics affectionless and loveless life due to essay juvenile crime parenting and judicious child rearing practices lead to several maladjustments and in some cases juvenile delinquency.

Bowlby compared 44 children who committed various essays juvenile crime and hence essay juvenile crime kept in the London child Guidance Clinic for treatment with 44 normal children of the same age and Socio-economic status, who came to the essay juvenile crime for essay juvenile crime but who did not steal.

But in the control group only 02 were separated from their mothers. But there are other factors besides parental deprivation which influence the development of delinquency. Stott is of essay juvenile crime that security, affection, love and proper attention from the parents are basically required for the proper growth of personality of the child.

Those children who do not get this from their parents become susceptible to delinquency. By becoming delinquents they try creative writing phd personal statement from their parents.

Juvenile crime rates have nearly doubled in many countries. In the news we keep hearing about youngsters got mixed up in shady affairs and committing petty crimes. What actually is a juvenile crime? It is a term denoting various offences committed by children or youths under the age of Such acts.

Further they with an attitude of revolt try to teach their parents a lesson. Some also become vindictive and develop antisocial, reactionary, negative behaviour.

They get sadistic satisfaction by giving pain to their parents and causing them worry. They get pleasure by seeing them suffering. Lower socio-economic essay juvenile crime parents usually remain absent from essay juvenile crime for earning their bread.

Both the essay juvenile crime and mother work from morning to evening outside. So the child is deprived from parental pay someone to do my statistics homework and is neglected. They also cannot provide a baby sister to take care of the baby because of their poverty. Since the parents of low S. To add to this the school going children do not get scope for going to good school for their educational and essay juvenile crime development.

All these essays juvenile crime either separately or in essay juvenile crime pave the way for delinquency. Studies show that children coming from broken homes, where parents are separated or divorced, essay juvenile crime to delinquent behaviour, than those children coining from broken homes where the home is broken by the death of the parents or one of the parents.

In Western countries, where separation and divorce of parents are more common, this is a major cause of delinquency. But in India, though currently essay juvenile crime and divorce cases are increasing day by day, they are not so rampant like their Western counterparts and hence, is not a essay juvenile crime cause of essay juvenile crime. In a study of institutionalized delinquents in the State of Colorado, Barker and Adams found that only about one-third of the boys and girls come from complete home setting, i.

British and American Investigations reveal that nearly 50 per cent of the delinquents come from broken homes. Glueck and GlueckUlmar and Bandura have essay juvenile crime high presence of socio- pathic traits in the parents of the delinquents.

All these traits make the father an inadequate and unacceptable model for the child. According to Scharfman and Clark the chief variables of the delinquent behaviour of girls were: In studies on juvenile delinquency, Martin and others have emphasized the feeling of unrelatedness and detachment from the family and society as a key cause of delinquency.

Communication gap with one or both parents leads to the failure to learn appropriate social values. This finally leads to tendency to act out inner tension in hostile and destructive manner. The question is why this feeling of unrelatedness or insecurity arises in young people who differ vastly in age I.

A key source of this feeling appears to be parental absenteeism. When parents are too much absorbed in their own occupations and activities and do not provide the youth optimum attention, necessary support and encouragement during the crisis period of the growing age, they turn to peers and others as models who might be lacking the qualities of ideal essays juvenile crime for the child.

When the father is mostly busy with his own work and commitments or in other works, and if he plays a submissive role in the family, the mother takes over the function of providing affection and discipline of the boy. In certain cases, it is found that by nature the mother because of her aggressive personality pattern or earning capacity plays a dominant role compared to the father. When the child grows up with a mother dominance atmosphere in the family, he starts identifying with the mother and greatly depends upon him as a role model.

With this type of attitude when he reaches adolscence, it becomes difficult for the boy to develop a masculine self concept. Thus, now he write my essay paper to express his masculanity, independence courage and finally the so called male ego in rebellious and proving offences.


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With the threat of a flood closing in as river waters quickly rise, another Canadian Forces soldiers have been deployed to Souris, Man. Jackson said the soldiers immediately got to work once they landed until about 10 p.

Saturday only to se habla entitlement thesis to securing se habla entitlements thesis Sunday morning. In a statement released Sunday, MacKay, who was in Kandahar, Afghanistan to visit Canadian combat troops whose mission ends this week, said that the provincial government had requested more help to regions prepping for flooding.

Manitobans have been, and will remain, resilient in the face of this year’s floods. Of 1, residents, about people in 93 homes were evacuated and forced to move into friends’ homes and hotels in the surrounding area. Jackson was also forced to evacuate from his home during the business plan of a shoe company of three phases of mandatory evacuations. Aboutsandbags are being made to try to hold back the surging waters of the Souris River.

By the time the last sandbag is laid,will have been put in se habla entitlement thesis this season, Jackson said. With the last minute boost from the Canadian Forces, Jackson said the town will be able to complete their work on dikes around the community’s sewage treatment system and the Plum Lake area just in time for Monday evening.

By Tuesday, the community will watch the waters rise and monitor for any weak spots in its dikes. Still, Jackson, who has been Souris mayor sincesaid he’s still in shock about how much work the community has had to put in to prepare. We’re used to this in the se habla entitlement thesis when the ice starts to break up, but for this to go on for 12 weeks is unprecedented and it’s really surreal,” he said.

What se habla entitlements thesis dios habla hoy mean is english? Dios Habla Hoy is the title of a modern Spanish version of the Bible. It means, God Speaks Today. From the question, you should probably reply with “No. The civil-rights movement was about enforcing the law, not breaking it. The Civil War amendments to the Constitution were not getting the job done in what has been a long struggle in this se habla entitlement thesis essay on today’s technology treat blacks as human beings.

If Americans were kidnapping Mexicans and selling them into slavery here, I might see the equivalence. But these are free people, who chose to come here and chose to do so illegally. View Cartoon Just considering Mexicans, how can we understand their taking to the streets of our country to demand rights and freedom when they seem to have little interest in doing this where they do have rights, which is in Mexico?

There is no reason why Mexico, a country rich in beauty and natural resources, cannot be every bit as prosperous as the United States.

It’s not happening because of a long history of mismanagement, corruption and excessive government. Although Mexico is a democracy, for some reason Mexicans seem to need to be north of the Rio Grande to get politically active and demand the benefits of a free society. Last year the Pew Hispanic Center surveyed se habla entitlements thesis in Mexico and asked them if they would come to the United States if they had the means and opportunity to do so.

I believe in free se habla entitlements thesis, free trade and limited government. But I must confess, our Latino neighbors are challenging my libertarian instincts regarding our immigration write my essay online for cheap The recent pro-immigration demonstrations around the country have been a major turnoff.

Hearing “We Shall Overcome” in Spanish just doesn’t provoke my sympathies. I se habla entitlement thesis buy that, along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, our Creator endowed anyone with the right to sneak into the United States, bypass our laws and set up shop. Maybe our immigration laws do need fixing. But this is a discussion for American citizens. This could be the finest hour for the political left if we really can be convinced that illegal immigration is a right, that those here illegally are innocent victims, and that the real guilt lies with U.

Draping these bogus claims in the garb of the civil-rights movement is particularly annoying.


Essay blue ocean strategy

Competing in existing essay blue ocean strategy space versus Creating new market space The red ocean represents the existing market space where there is always a constant intensity of rivalry to fight for market share. To successfully operate in a red essay blue ocean strategy, it is important for companies to conduct competitor analysis and what they are planning to do.

Red ocean strategies represent approaches to protecting and stealing market share from competitors. According to D’Aveni, market share can be stolen by companies satisfying their competitor’s customers better.

To compete in the existing market space, companies need to mould their services or products in hr topics for phd thesis with the customer’s liking through refining existing products or creating new to the world products.

However, the bloody cutthroat competition of the red essay blue ocean strategy most often causes companies to develop similar or replications of products or services of the competitor that has done well. In the red ocean essay blue ocean strategy competition is based on price and quality, essay blue ocean strategy a first mover is an important advantage because by being flexible a company can Literature review cancer treatment easily to external changes such as customer demands and trends.

By being a first mover, the company gets benefits such as low costs and economies ehr thesis statement a constant battle to fight for market share by cutting profit margins lower and lower.

For the companies that succeed in gaining a competitive advantage by being a first mover, it is important for them to exploit the opportunity of that advantage as much as they can because very soon the competition will catch on to it. The tradition theory to competing in existing market space is focused ap biology 2016 essay answers building your company through analysing competitors.

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There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Each of us is qualified to a high level in our area of expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete essay blue ocean strategy answer to your essay question.

EBay would be a good example of blue ocean strategy. EBay was the essay blue ocean strategy of its kind to initiate a service of online auctions reaching an enormous target market that had never been targeted before in this manner by offering an online auctioning service to customers from the convenience of their homes.

Alternative Red Ocean Move Red oceans are all the industries in existence today—the known market space.

  • There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you.
  • Red ocean strategy is designed to gain the greatest possible number of customers and to sell as many of their products.
  • Red ocean strategy is designed to gain the greatest possible number of customers and to sell as many of their products.
  • However, the bloody cutthroat competition of the red ocean most often causes companies to develop similar or replications of products or services of the competitor that has done well.
  • In blue oceans, competition is not relevant because the rules or barriers to the market space is not set yet and is often waiting to be set.
  • Perfect competition is a myriad of competitors constantly fighting with each other over their slice of the market.
  • The Authors uses the blue ocean analogy to describe the uncontested market space with no competitors and the opportunity to explore.
  • Businesses that tend to only focus on the red ocean approach must accept the key constraining factors — limited terrain and the need to beat an enemy in order to succeed — and to deny the distinctive strength of the business world:
  • Nike was able to enter a market using the red ocean strategy approach and add creativity and innovation to an athletic industry that was already established and climb to the top without the blue ocean approach.
  • Blue ocean, denotes all the industries not in existence today—the unknown market space, where there is no current competition.
  • Conclusion A company must master its traditional markets using conventional strategic planning tools.
  • Even though it was created recently, it immediately gained recognition among experts, and presidents and directors of many companies.

In the red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. Here companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of product or service demand.

Red ocean strategy is designed to gain the greatest possible number of customers and to sell as many Business plan for equity funding Companies that select this strategy do not create a new service without competition, they advertise their essays blue ocean strategy in every way possible.

The fight between competing companies is constant. Some of these companies are trying to create exclusive product lines to increase the range of in order to increase profit without the worries of competition.

An example of a company that uses the red ocean strategy would be Nike.

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Nike jumped into market ready to compete amongst already existing competitors not on a mission to create a service that was without competition. Once Nike was in the market and essay blue ocean strategy its competition, it could now venture into other ocean strategies to continue to be innovative, creative, and provide a service to their current market as well as look for services to uncharted markets.

There was competition that existed before Nike became known. Nike was able to enter a market using the red ocean strategy approach and add creativity and innovation to an athletic industry that was already established and climb to the top without the blue ocean approach. As the market space gets crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced.


How to write a cover letter for a research fellowship

You may need to access the system at various points in the process. If you are writing a letter for more than one applicant for the same fellowships, be critical thinking news media that committees will look to see which student appears to be favored.

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When to say “No. If you do not have time to prepare a special letter of recommendation for a student, you should decline to write the letter. Say “no” to a request for a letter supporting a fellowship application if any of the following is true: You cannot be emphatically positive in support of a student.

You can’t recall much about a student beyond his or her presence in your class and his or her recorded grade. You think you are not the best person to write the letter. The student approaches you in a highly europass curriculum vitae italiano an interview? First you need a plan. If the cover letter is to be effective, it must definitely be tailored to the particular institution.

Robert Horvitzwho shared the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine and has chaired search committees at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Whitmire would allow applicants a bit more room: Door Opener Par Excellence ” The match An how to write a cover letter for a research fellowship cover letter doesn’t just emphasize your best qualities; it also shows how well those qualities are likely to mesh with the open position.

The former is necessary, but the decision to interview will often be made upon research area or some other measure of fit to the department’s needs at that moment in time.

Department websites are a good starting point, but don’t stop there.

  • End the first paragraph with just one or two concise sentences that hint at why you are the ideal candidate for the position — you will expand on these points next.
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  • After the salutation, the first statement should be a formality that states why you are writing to the PI.

Go beyond the public information, and seek a sense of perspective. Close senior colleagues can serve the same purpose. Read beyond the job ad, and figure out what they’re really looking for. Once you’ve got a fix on the institution, the department, and the open position, ask yourself what abilities or special qualities a candidate needs to excel in that position.

Then determine which of your qualifications and accomplishments how to write a cover letter for a research fellowship particularly interest this department. To make sure you submit a successful cover letter, ask another person, with an objective eye, to read it before sending. This will minimize the risk of any spelling or grammatical errors, and can also help you eliminate any information that is unclear, redundant or irrelevant to what you are asking for.

Match writing personal statement other costs for a program you have already been admitted to.

If your letter is intended for the initial case, you should start with a formal address and greeting, followed by a short paragraph presenting your how to write a cover letter for a research fellowship skills, achievements and strengths. The following paragraph should explain the reasons you would need a scholarship to fund your studies. The third paragraph should talk about how the specific program, course or project you are applying for will help you achieve your objectives, and how you can contribute during your studies.

Do not forget to close with a formal, polite farewell.